The Facebook application for iPad does not work for some users

     Today I presented you a video tutorial in which we show you how you can activate the iPad version of the Facebook application. The news spread quickly among iDevice owners and many people modified the application to benefit from the new version on their tablet. Unfortunately this change brought some people to the situation of not being able to use their tablet to connect to the account on the Facebook website. Until the modification of the application, the login worked, but after the modification, everything was blocked, but I don't think that Facebook would be involved in the limitation because the application works without problems on my tablet.

     Some people with iOS 4.3.4 failed to activate the new interface at all and others with the RetinaPad plugin installed and the Facebook application activated from there were in the same situation. I've been using the application ever since I made that tutorial and apart from a crash, I haven't had any problems with it, although for now it's not 100% ready from all points of view. What problems have you had with the Facebook application for iPad?