Video: Disney launches the first games that recognize toys placed on the screen


     Disney AppMates is the latest line of toys made by the American company and if you watch the video clip above you will understand why it will be popular. The ones from Disney have developed interactive games that allow children to control all aspects of the game using physical toys that are placed on the screen of an iPad tablet. The toys are based on a component that interacts with the tablet screen and directs the movements in the game according to the will of the user, so that everything will work exactly as if we were controlling a virtual car in the game.

As Decrem moved the toy car across the screen, the game reacted: Cars skidded out in the mud, knocked over buildings and honked their horns, startling tractor-shaped cows.

The game is supposed to react precisely to a player's movements, and during Decrem's short demonstration it did, for the most part. For example, as he approached a mirror in the game, he was able to see the reflection of the car he was holding.

      To begin with, Disney will sell each toy for $20, but will offer the app from the App Store for free and 4 very popular movies will be represented in the games, the first available being Cars 2. The idea is very interesting because it will allow children to interact with the tablet using real toys and this is probably the first game of its kind ever released. For now, the toys are not available for purchase, but as soon as they are released, I will let you know.