Siri can be used to open applications on Mac using iTeleport

    iTeleport is an application for iOS that allows us to connect to our own Mac in a way similar to that offered by Teamviewer, for example. We are talking about one of the most complete applications of this kind, an application that is more recently able to open applications on the Mac, with the help of the personal assistant Siri. Practically, the developers of the iTeleport application managed to implement an algorithm that transcribes the commands spoken by users and executes them directly in Mac OS X without much effort.

  • Voice commands: iPhone 4S users can launch applications by saying "Launch". Requires iTeleport Connect v5.2.0+. Mac only, Windows support coming very soon!
  • Fixed disappearing keyboard issue

    Simply saying the command Launch Safari leads to the opening of the Safari browser in just a few seconds, a really interesting thing for a smartphone. This is the first application that is able to do such a thing using Siri, but similar or better ones will be available soon. Siri will give developers of iOS applications the opportunity to do so many things, but everything depends on Apple and the access to the APIs of the new personal assistant.

Initial price:
iTeleport: VNC



Developer: iTeleport LLC
Category: Utilities

Description: iTeleport: a magical app that lets you access your computer from anywhere in the world.

Supports Mac, Windows, Linux and all VNC servers. See your computer screen and control its keyboard and mouse from wherever: a few feet away, or even halfway around...

The size of the application is: 12.7 Mb