Here's how you can use Siri to access iOS menus

   We have repeatedly told you that at some point Siri will be able to be used to activate/deactivate iOS functions and many others. Well, in its current form, Siri already allows some of these things, but in a slightly more rudimentary form. Practically using Siri, the contact address and an internal link to the Settings application menus, we can access any of these menus through a simple command run in Siri. In the image above, I showed you how to open the iOS Bluetooth menu using Siri. Unfortunately, the assistant does not automatically open the menu, but we have to click on the link on the home page to access it, but the progress made in integrating the personal assistant is significant.

   To use Siri to open iOS menus you must:

1. Make a contact with the menu you want to reach. Bluetooth was given as an example by the person who discovered this trick.

2. On the home page of that contact, add an address like this: prefs:root=General&path=Bluetooth. You can play with the last name to change the menus from the General menu that you want to reach.

3. Open Siri and say the command Call Contact (the name given by you) and in the newly opened menu click on the home page and reach the menu.

   The procedure is simpler without Siri, but if you're behind the wheel and have Siri active, I think it's easier to follow it than searching through the iOS menu for the desired setting. Developers are just starting to understand what Siri can do and I think it's not long until we can even run commands in Siri and the assistant can act on them by itself.

   For other menus in the Settings application you have:

  • Sounds: prefs:root=Sounds
  • Brightness: prefs:root=Brightness
  • Airplane Mode: prefs:root=Airplane_Mode
  • Wallpapers: prefs:root=Wallpaper