George Clooney could play Steve Jobs in a biopic

   Shortly after the death of Steve Jobs, Sony bought the rights to produce a biographical film based on the life of the famous Apple CEO. Although it is not yet known who could play Jobs in the film, is circulated that George Clooney and Noah Wiles are the favorites of the production house. Noah Wiles played Steve Jobs in the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley and had an extraordinary success, so a lot of people see his choice as a normal one considering that at the time of the performance he looked quite similar to the much younger version of him Jobs.

HOLLYWOOD heartthrob George Clooney is in the running to play late Apple boss Steve Jobs in a new movie. The actor, 50, is reportedly battling it out with his former ER co-star Noah Wyle, 40, for the role. George and Noah both played doctors in the long-running hospital series ER, which picked up 23 Emmy Awards.

   On the other hand, Clooney would attract much more people to the cinemas, but the similarity between him and Jobs does not really exist. For now, the proposal of Clooney as the actor who will play Steve Jobs is just a rumor, but nothing is impossible and everything depends on the people from Sony.