Here's how productive Apple employees are

  Apple praises its employees every time they talk about their own stores and those who visit an Apple store do the same, being satisfied with the way they are treated. Still? how productive are the tens of thousands of Apple employees? Asymco made the graph above and as you can see, an Apple employee produces on average more than 450.000 dollars annually for the company. The figure is very high compared to that recorded by other large US retailers, but Apple has many employees and quite expensive products.

   Practically every employee of Apple produces around $47 for each visit of a customer and every day an employee talks on average with 6 people per hour. The figures were collected from data provided by Apple for the first three fiscal quarters of 2011 and so far 222 million people have visited the company's stores. The number is very high and probably by the end of the year it will reach the value of 300 million, especially since we are in the winter holiday season when everyone is looking for gifts. In conclusion, an Apple employee has to take care of several dozen people a day and generates sales of almost half a million dollars annually for Apple. Here we are talking exclusively about employees in physical stores, not those who take care of the online store.