4 liters of gasoline can provide energy for an iPhone for 20 years

   I don't know if you've ever wondered how many times you can charge an iPhone using gasoline and the energy available in it, but Exxon Mobil let us know that an iPhone can be charged every day for 20 years using only 4 liters of gasoline (1 American gallon). The statement is of course made with the idea of ​​presenting the benefits of using gasoline to provide electricity not only for iPhones but also for any other electronic devices used by people around the world.

All of the energy concentrated in one gallon of gasoline is enough to charge an iPhone once a day for almost 20 years. Clearly, there's a lot of energy in a gallon of gasoline. And energy density is one of the key factors behind the reliability, affordability, versatility and convenience of any fuel. These are key elements that drive consumer choices today and will continue to drive consumer choices in the future.

   Now it remains to be seen who will use the energy stored in gasoline to charge their iPhone daily.

Thanks to N.