Video: Chinese locals sell iPhone 4S in front of Apple stores


   iPhone 4S launch in China It was postponed because of the old-timers who fought in front of Apple stores and ordinary Chinese were left without the possibility to buy this terminal by a simple visit to a company store. However, the thieves managed to buy iPhone 4S terminals online and from Hong Kong and then sent their people in front of Apple stores to steal the customers of the company from Cupertino. Those from CNN did a report in front of an Apple store where the shopkeepers were asking people passing by on the street if they were interested in buying an iPhone 4S. Moreover, the grandparents were interested in buying any kind of iPhone and a man was asked if he was not interested in selling the iPhone he had just used in a telephone conversation.

   Bisnitari get around $100 for the sale of an iPhone terminal and for this amount they are willing to do almost anything, including standing in front of Apple stores and harassing passers-by. Apple seems powerless in front of them and the Chinese market turns out to be an extremely complicated one for the company from Cupertino. Unfortunately, the biggest losers are the Chinese, who cannot buy an Apple product directly from the store, but have to buy the products from retailers who sell them at higher prices. I don't think that Apple has ever been forced to postpone the launch of a product because of disputes, but in China anything is possible.