Video: Apple received free advertising during the Super Bowl from the New York Giants


  Samsung and Google would have spent almost 11 million dollars for this commercial but Apple spent absolutely nothing and yet its products were presented several hundred million viewers when it mattered more. In the video clip above, we have Raymond Berry holding the Vincent Lombardi trophy and some of the players and fans on the sidelines filming the whole scene with their iPhones. Basically, Apple had a great product placement for the Super Bowl because the New York Giants players were filmed while filming using their iPhones.

But there was one ad that struck me as the most honest, most riveting and most compelling of all. You see, the game had just ended, and Colts great Raymond Berry ran the Giant gauntlet with the Lombardi Trophy. Suddenly it seemed like every other Giant pulled out an Apple iPhone to snap pictures of the moment. One after another after another. And I said to myself, there it is, not some pet dangling a bag of chips or some headlights killing vampires or King Elton getting trapdoored. Nope, there was an ad worthy of Steve Jobs and the company he built.

  Now it's hard to believe that Apple would have paid the players of the Giants to come out with iPhones at the award ceremony, but for many this moment was worth more than the 90 seconds in which Samsung mocked the owners of iPhone terminals . Apple had some of the most popular players of the NY Giants using iPhones in one of the most watched moments of the Super Bowl and Samsung had a 90 second commercial break where it showed nothing and announced that the future is here but it will be available in stores later.

  I would say that Apple came out much better.