Smartphones can be used to improve memory

  Smartphones are currently the most popular mobile terminals on the globe and a group of Canadian researchers managed to prove that such a terminal can help some patients who have memory problems. The researchers used a group of 10 people who had memory problems to prove their theory and after several months of tests they concluded that smartphones can be used for this purpose. The researchers taught people to use various applications on the terminals and cataloged the progress made by each one on a daily basis and some patients improved their ability to memorize during this study.

Our results demonstrate that 'can take advantage of emerging technologies for brain science, in an innovative way to give people with memory loss a bit' of independence.

  The problem is that after only 8 months of tests, the patients have registered significant progress, but the important thing is that the process works. With more time available and with more varied groups of patients, it is possible that such techniques can help amnesic patients to recover parts of their lost memory more quickly.