The App Store and the applications that you actually rent

The App Store is the application store where you can find applications for the iPhone

  Probably few of you know that as soon as you "buy" an application from the App Store, you are actually renting the digital content made available by Apple for you. Apple tells us that we buy the applications, but in reality we just rent them from the company's store and as soon as Apple/their developer decides that they are no longer good, then the applications disappear from the App Store. Basically, we are licensed to use the applications, we can install them on a limited number of mobile terminals, we cannot freely distribute them without Apple's consent, and as soon as they disappear from the store, they can no longer be installed on our terminals.

  Unfortunately, the term "purchase" is used without right by Apple because we are not buying an application, but purchasing a license that can be canceled arbitrarily and without prior notice. Of course, a purchased application can be saved to the computer directly from iTunes, but if you do not do this and Apple withdraws the application from the App Store, then it cannot be reinstalled by you and after arguing with the billing department, you may get your money back .

  In the App Store, Apple "makes the law", we are just visitors and everything we "buy" can be withdrawn from there, but the money paid for those products could be lost.