Libertatea newspaper, now also on the iPad tablet

Do you want to be up to date with all the news from showbiz, politics, the social environment or sports? Are you passionate about technology and never part with your iPad? Do you wake up late and can't get the newspaper from the newsstand? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then you've come to the right place. Because we adapt to your requirements and want to satisfy your wishes, we offer you the Libertatea application for iPad. Try it and you won't regret it. 

The iPad application of the only premium tabloid in Romania, Libertatea, will open your way to current topics in your favorite categories. Showbiz, social, political, sports, photos and exclusive texts, video materials, all find their common denominator with the iPad application of Libertatea newspaper.

  This is how the description looks application for the iPad of the Libertatea newspaper, but in reality through it you will have the opportunity to SEE HERE (actually there) and to DIE OF STRANGE, without opening the desktop version of their website.

Initial price:
Libertatea newspaper



Developer: Universal Online …
 iPad Only
Category: News

Description: You want to be up to date with all the news from showbiz, politics, the social environment or sports. You are passionate about technology and never leave your iPad. us…

The size of the application is: 12.2 Mb