Google Handwrite allows you to search on Google using letters written by your hand (Video)


  Google Handwriting is a new system developed by the Google company, and with its help users can search on Google by writing the words by hand on the screen of a mobile terminal. Practically, the system recognizes the letters "written" on the screen of the mobile terminals and in the video clip above you have a clear demonstration of how everything works. Unfortunately, the entire procedure is very complex and does not in any way simplify the way we search for various topics on Google, but there will certainly be users interested in the system.

Say you're standing on a busy street corner, in a bumpy taxi ride, talking with a friend, or sitting on the couch with your tablet. Handwrite enables you to search by just writing letters with your finger most anywhere on your device's screen—there's no keyboard that covers half of the screen and no need for hunt-and-peck typing.

Getting started is easy: go to in your mobile browser, tap on "Settings" at the bottom of the screen and enable "Handwrite." Note that after you've saved the setting, you may need to refresh the homepage to see the feature.

  To use Google Handwrite on your own iDevice you must follow the instructions in the images below.