Nitrous allows you to enable Nitro Javascript in third-party iOS browsers

  Nitro Javascript is a very important technology of the Safari browser because it offers users the opportunity to surf the web at very high speeds, but also to load pages faster than any other third-party browser available in iOS. Apple implemented this technology only in Safari, not allowing other developers to use it and this in the idea of ​​giving a serious advantage to their own browser. Well, although Apple does not want to offer the technology to other companies, the tweak Nitrous it will give you the possibility to activate Nitro Javascript in third-party applications.

Unlock the Nitro JavaScript engine to give your apps a speed boost. Normally, Nitro is only available to Apple apps such as Safari and iBooks. Nitrous lets you grant this access to other apps. Nitro dramatically improves JavaScript performance in WebKit-heavy applications like Chrome and Facebook. No new icons have been added to your home screen – you can find Nitrous on the main page of the Settings app.

  Using this tweak you will make the uiweb view and third party browsers up to 4 times faster than they are now and if you have a jailbreak I highly recommend you to install it. The tweak has a settings menu in the Settings application, so you can choose which applications benefit from it, and in Cydia you can find it for $0.99.