5dWifi scans the Wi-Fi networks around you and breaks their passwords

  5dWifi is an application launched last night in Cydia, and its developer claims that it can much more easily perform scans for Wi-Fi networks that are in your immediate vicinity and possibly crack their passwords. The developer does not provide details about the password discovery system, but we are probably talking about something simple and not a bruteforce module that would require a lot of processing power and time. Finally, I will tell you that the application also has a module that allows you to perform speed tests and of course it is made by a Chinese person who does not specify if the entire menu is only available in Chinese.

5dWifi is an application about wifi, Its ability to scan is better than the system, the important thing is that it can crack the wifi pass. It can test the network bandwidth.

 5dWifi is available for free in Cydia's BigBoss repo.