Apple made the color white cool, it motivated car manufacturers to use it in their cars

  According to those from FortuneMagazine, car manufacturers in the US have resumed using the color white when painting cars after Apple made white popular again in its iDevices. Manufacturers preferred silver color for cars, but Apple's white iDevices restored the desirable white color and car manufacturers did not wait too long to use it. The information comes from a BMW designer who says that before the "revolution" started by Apple, white was considered to be suitable for refrigerators and bathroom tiles, but the American company changed everything.

Silver was the most popular exterior car color in America for nearly a decade. But while it remains beloved by automotive designers for best showing off a car's styling, its unstinting silver reign was finally overthrown this year. By white. According to Sandy McGill, BMW Designworks' lead designer in color, materials, and finish, this is Steve Jobs' doing. "Prior to Apple, white was associated with things like refrigerators or the tiles in your bathroom. Apple made white valuable."