Infinity Blade: Dungeons will be released in the App Store only in 2013


  Infinity Blade: Dungeons, the game presented by Apple together with iPad 3 and expected by millions of users around the world, will be available in the App Store only next year. Although in March the people from Epic Games announced that the title will reach the App Store this year, unfortunately this will not happen again, and this is because a new team is in charge of its development and it failed to implement it in the game everything they had planned. The changes that took place in the development process are holding the launch in place, it's a shame that such a game doesn't reach the iOS platform sooner, but unfortunately this is the situation now.

Ever since the talented team at Impossible Studios got their hands on Infinity Blade: Dungeons, they've been busy adding their great ideas to the game. There was also the matter of getting the Impossible Studios team up and running with desks, chairs, staplers and computers. The logistics of a new studio and implementing all these great ideas required a little extra time, so Infinity Blade: Dungeons will hit iOS in 2013.

  I know that many of you have been waiting for the release of Infinity Blade: Dungeons since March, unfortunately the wait will be extended for another 4-5 months, but probably everything will be worth the wait.