You can pre-order iPad Mini and iPad 4 in Romania, but not as you think

  IERI (Yesterday) iPad Mini si iPad 4 were officially presented by Apple, the company announced that starting with the date of October 26, they will be able to be pre-ordered, including in Romania, and if you want to make a quick pre-order, you can do it now. Talking to a representative of one of the two Apple service providers in Romania, I found out that now you can pre-order them by email for both products, but you do them without knowing the price or when the delivery is made. The situation is due to those from Apple or those from Apcom who probably did not announce these small details.

  Orange announced that it will sell iPad 4 and iPad Mini in the following weeks, I assume that they will offer the tablet after resellers because they have no reason to sell the Wi-Fi Only version that will be available from November 2nd.