iPhone 5 and performance after jailbreak

  A few months ago I was telling you that iPhone 5 it will perform very well even after implementing a jailbreak and the use of tweaks from Cydia which consumes many resources. More than a month after launch evasi0n I stand by my opinion since then and say that iPhone 5 it is the first iPhone capable of supporting an advanced functionality implemented through tweaks. If on iPhone 4S installing some tweaks like SBSettings, Winterboard, Dashboard X, IntelliScreen X, LockInfo, etc., would significantly reduce the performance of the terminal, iPhone 5 the same thing does not happen.

  With a 1.3 GHz dual-core processor, extremely well optimized for iOS, and 1 GB of RAM, iPhone 5 is able to cope with tweaks and applications from Cydia without compromising performance. From my point of view, the hardware of the iDevices is starting to catch up with the users' requirements, and the A7 chip that will be in the iPhone 5S will make things even more beautiful for all those who jailbreak, and not only. What experience have you had with iPhone 5 performance in iOS 6.x after jailbreak.