Samsung Galaxy Gear generates disappointing sales

  Last week I published an article in which I present my experience with Samsung Galaxy Gear, The newest SmartWatch manufactured by the company Samsung. From the desire to bring a smartwatch to the market before those from Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, company Samsung he took a risk by launching a product not prepared for consumers, a product that represents a start, but nothing more than that. Most of the reviews made for the Samsung Galaxy Gear were negative, and the sales of the product confirm the fact that he was not ready for the official launch, only 50.000 units being sold worldwide.

Also, on September 25, Samsung Electronics released the Galaxy Gear in time for the wearable computing generation. Yet this product has cumulative sales under 50,000, with daily sales of only 800-900 units. These low sales values ​​for the Galaxy Gear are far below the initial expectations of the industry.

  Despite the very low sales figures and poor reviews, a Samsung manager claims that his company has not been credited enough for the "innovation" behind this product. He compared the Samsung Galaxy Gear to an unripe tomato, which in time will only become good to eat. To be honest, Samsung's "innovations" have been available in smartwatches for some time and what they have implemented is not so great that it makes users buy the product and praise the company incessantly.

When you're dealing with innovation and when you're dealing with startups, I always make the analogy to small green tomatoes. What we're dealing with is small green tomatoes and what we want to do is take care of them and work with them so they can become big red ripe tomatoes. And what you want to be sure is that you don't pluck the green tomato too early and you want to make sure you don't criticize a small green tomato for not being a big red ripe tomato. It's a 1.0 device. I like it a ton. It's 1.0. Personally, I don't think enough people gave us the credit for innovating and getting it out there. Not easily done to integrate all this functionality into one thing. But I would also say over time this thing is going to get big and red.

  I don't know if there are people at Samsung who can objectively look at this failure, and if the second version of the Samsung Galaxy Gear will not correct the problems of the first, then we will more than likely talk about a second failure, which will affect the image the company.

UPDATED: Samsung says that sold 800.000 units worldwide.