geohot claims that evasi0n7 does not secretly take data from users' iDevices, explains how the jailbreak solution works

  Returned to the attention of the whole world after what admitted that he tried to get $350.000 to sell a solution of jailbreak dedicated iOS 7, the famous geohot hacker published on its own website an explanation of the method of operation a evasi0n7. Before providing technical details, the hacker states that the solution of untethered jailbreak it does not offer the Chinese who ordered it the possibility to access our terminals remotely, nor does it distribute our data to them, so you should be calm from this point of view.

This writeup takes place from the perspective of evasi0n7. Fuck secrets. Note that this writeup doesn't help Apple, I got this by reversing the public evasi0n binary, which they can, and do do. Also note, I found nothing sketchy in my reversing, your phones most likely aren't being backdoored by Chinese. If I ever touch jailbreaking again, which is unlikely (until ARM128 comes out, I only touched the game again for the love of ARM64), no more secrets.

  Hackers from Evad3rs were accused of having implemented in evasi0n7 jailbreak malware and methods by which iOS 7 it can be accessed remotely by the Chinese who paid them for the launch evasi0n7, but according to geohot, nothing is true. The American hacker claims that his solution of jailbreak it used, in a proportion of 80%, the same vulnerabilities and methods to exploit iOS 7, they being useless now. Moreover, he says that he will develop jailbreak solutions in the future when ARM 128 is released.