ClearFolders completely changes the design of folders in iOS 7

  ClearFolders is a tweak launched last night in Cydia, and with its help we can completely modify the design of the foders that can be created in iOS 7. If you look at the image above, you will notice that this tweak makes all folders transparent so that the icons seem to be suspended in the middle of the screen, as if they were displayed directly in Springboard. ClearFolders it works as soon as it is installed, it being available for free in the repo ModMyi al Cydia.

Transparent iOS 7 folder backgrounds. ClearFolders removes the blurred folder backgrounds leaving you with beautiful, transparent and minimalistic looking folders. Note: Until Mobile Substrate is updated for full iOS 7 compatibility, if you experience any issues, please reinstall Mobile Substrate and ClearFolders.