MyStatusBar helps you take control of the iOS 7 status bar

  MyStatusBar is a new tweak available since last night in Cydia, and through or we can take control of the status bar from iOS 7 without much effort. The tweak has a menu in the Settings application of our iDevices, and through it we can control any graphic element of the status bar, but more than that. We can hide any of the elements of the status bar by simply pressing a button, but using the same menu we can even edit the various information displayed in the status bar.

You can hide the following icons: Clock (or set custom), DND, Airplane, Signal, Carrier Logo (or set carrier), Set "SOS Only", Settings Carrier also replaces "No Service" for those using phones with no sim cards , Data type, Battery, Battery %, Bluetooth Battery, Bluetooth Battery %, Bluetooth, TTY, Alarm, Location, Rotation Lock, AirPlay, Assistant, VPN, Call Forwarding and Activity. You can also Hide the status bar from the Notification Center (requires respring), and you can also show / hide the statusbar clock on the LockScreen, as well as enabling the same size statusbar as the one used by SpringBoard.

  Apart from these, the tweak allows us to hide the status bar from LockScreen, Notifications Center or Springboard, allows us to display information about the data connection and much, much more. MyStatusBar is available in the repo ModMyi al Cydia and is only compatible with iPhone/iPod Touch terminals.