iOS 7 is not as secure as iOS 6, it allows hackers to gain access to our information more easily

  Although Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), tries to improve the security of its operating system for iDevices with each new version, it seems iOS 7 is not as certain as iOS 6. The information comes from the company Azimuth Security, she discovering that all changes made by Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), in iOS 7 they made the operating system much more insecure than the previous version. Specifically, the kernel iOS 7 it is much easier to exploit thanks to the way Apple protects it now.

The problem with the new generator in iOS 7 is that it uses a linear recursion algorithm, Mandt said, which has "more correlation" between the values ​​it generates. That makes them easier to extrapolate and guess, he said.

  For iOS 6 the number generator based on which the kernel was encrypted took part of the values ​​from the processor frequency and was based on time periods, but in iOS 7 Apple uses a different system that is susceptible to brute force attacks. The change made by Apple had the role of improving the security of the iOS 7 kernel, but in fact the company now offers hackers a somewhat simpler method to decrypt the kernel, but it is not known how long this system will be available.

  If you're wondering how exactly this affects us, well, using this vulnerability, a hacker can gain access to the iOS kernel and from here on can take anything he wants from the terminals. Apple is aware of the existence of the problem, but no one knows when or if it will be solved.