Magic – a "magic" theme for iOS 7

  Magic is a theme available this week in Cydia, and through it we can completely modify the icons available in the Springboard of our iDevices. The theme only modifies the native icons of the operating system and the developer designed for us two shapes for these icons, the first of them keeping the square with rounded corners of iOS 7, the second making all the icons round. Unfortunately, the theme does not modify the interface of native applications or other graphic elements, so you will not receive anything else.

Do you believe in Magic? Magic is a stunning new theme that brings geometry and order to your springboard. Magic supports all retina displays, and also comes with a circular mask, since icons are all designed from a custom layout, which was made to only support circular icons. The theme has beautiful non-invasive gradients, and is made of non-sharpened glyphs.

  Magic it is available for free in the repo ModMyi al Cydia.