ShareDraft implements a useful function for the photo sharing system available natively in iOS 7

  ShareDraft is a tweak available from this evening in Cydia, and with its help we can implement an extremely interesting function in the menu iOS 7 which allows the sharing of pictures or videos. Sharing photos through the Photos application a iOS 7 it is done through a menu similar to the one in the image above, we sell the option to write a message and choose the way in which the sharing is done. Unfortunately, this system does not allow saving drafts in case we decide not to send the message, but ShareDraft solves this problem.

Sometimes when you are typing a text to post or tweet you change your mind and want to cancel or post it later. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't provide such a function by default, except for drafts in the Mail application. This tweak will add a brand new drafts manager to the entire social services on your iOS device. By installing this tweak you will be able to post or tweet later. Easily manage drafts, add/modify/delete.

  As you probably already imagine, ShareDraft implements the option to save drafts for attempts to send messages, these drafts can then be used to skip the entire creation process. ShareDraft is available at the price of $1 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.