PayPal allows you to authorize money transfers and mobile payments using Touch ID

  PayPal, one of the largest online payment processors, announced yesterday that it will benefit from the new functionalities of touch ID available starting with iOS 8. I told you yesterday that iOS 8 touch ID will allow the authorization of mobile payments and not only that, PayPal being the first major payment processor to implement this functionality for us, the company already offering it for Samsung Galaxy S5.

It seems to be a fairly easy API to use, but we're still kicking the tires.

  A number of PayPal company managers were present at the sessions WWDC 2014 which presented the new APIs for Touch ID and announced that they are actively investigating the implementation of support for the system in PayPal applications. By implementing Touch ID support, PayPal applications could allow registration in the application and authorization of transactions by simply scanning a fingerprint, but it remains to be seen how those in the company will decide to use the software.