Central Hider disables Control Center and Notifications Center in the applications specified by you

  Central Hider is a tweak released last night in Cydia for our iDevices, and with its help we can block access control Center or Notification Center in any application chosen by us. The tweak has a settings menu available in the application Settings of the iDevices, and there we can choose which of our applications will not allow access to the two modules during use, closing them being necessary to be able to view them.

Ever played a game and all of a sudden, as you were playing, you swiped from the top/bottom and the notification/control center showed up? Troublesome, yeah? Well, you no longer have to worry about this as Central Hider gets you covered. This tweak hides the notification and control centers so that you can enjoy your games without any disturbances.

  Central Hider is available for FREE DOWNLOAD in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.