iOS 8.1 Jailbreak – Cydia not showing up after installation, here's how to fix it

  iOS 8.1 Jailbreak came without Cydia, we know that and we published you the other day a tutorial for installing Cydia in iOS 8.1, but some of you failed to install the app after numerous failed attempts. Well today I have for you the solution to this problem, it's all about installing 25pp for installing pirated apps through this Chinese store, Cydia installation failing if you chose to install it during the jailbreak procedure.

  To fix this problem you will need to go to the Pangu app from the main screen and uninstall PP2.0 from it, restart the terminals and then follow the tutorial for installing Cydia in iOS 8.1 again. This time the procedure should work without problems and the application should appear and be usable if in the past it would crash when accessing.