Upscale lets you enable iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus screen resolutions, or any other, on iPhones with 4-inch screens

  upscale is a tweak extremely interesting available for a very short time in Cydia, he giving us the possibility to use on iPhone 5, iPhone 5C or iPhone 5S the high resolutions of iPhone 6 and 6 iPhone Plus. Basically you will be able to turn the resolution of 1134 x 640 pixels into one of 1334 750 pixels x or 1920 1080 pixels x, the graphic elements being displayed on the screen at the new resolution selected by you, even if it seems to be suitable for you or not.

  In the image above you can see how big will the change be in going from the iPhone 5S resolution to that of a 6 iPhone Plus, but the resolution iPhone 6 will be most suitable for these 4 inch screens of terminals. By changing the resolution you will display more elements on the screens of your terminals, but at the same time you will reduce the performance of your devices because their hardware has been optimized for certain settings and you are forcing it to work at other values.

  Upscale also has a settings menu available that lets you set a custom screen resolution as well, so you'll be able to play around with the dimensions to see exactly what works for you. Upscale is one of the most interesting tweaks available for our iDevices, and if you're interested in it, you'll find it in beta in the repo of Cydia.