WhatsApp Messenger is used as evidence in 40% of divorces registered in Italy

WhatsApp Messenger is the most popular text messaging application on the globe, and according to the latest data from Italy, conversations carried out through it are used as evidence in over 40% of divorces filed locally.

WhatsApp messenger divorce

As you probably already imagine, unfaithful people used of the WhatsApp Messenger application to chat with lovers, and the conversations taken from their terminals are used in divorce proceedings. Pictures, text messages or video clips are presented as evidence in the trials in Italy and some lawyers claim that certain people had 3 or even 4 lovers at the same time, the discussions between them being carried out through the WhatsApp Messenger application.

Although it may seem strange, the information from this type of applications can always be cited as evidence in trials, especially if they really reveal the intentions of the people who write messages or send pictures or video clips. Although everything that happens in WhatsApp Messenger is not considered to be public space, recently the Supreme Court of Justice in Romania decided that everything that is published on a Facebook profile or Facebook page is considered public space and may attract criminal liability .