Facebook is starting to issue warnings to users, here's why

Starting from December of last year, the Facebook company began to publish warnings for video clips and pictures uploaded on its social network to prevent users from certain inappropriate content.

Facebook videos obscene content

  Company Facebook recently started to display warnings for the video clips published on its own social network, they being visible in the timeline instead of the uploaded video clips. The warnings are made by those from Facebook because the respective video content could be shocking, offensive and could upset the users who would view it.

  Given that Facebook automatically plays the video clips in the timeline when viewing, these warnings will stop their automatic loading when they are displayed in your timeline. The measure taken by those at Facebook has the role of protecting users, especially those of young age, as a multitude of more or less appropriate video clips are uploaded to its network.

  This warning is also displayed in the case of pictures that fall into the same category, so if you ever see it, you will know that that material is not suitable. Alerts are visible only to people who identified themselves on the social network as minors, so those who did not declare their age, or declared a false age, will not see them.

  The measure was taken by Facebook since December of this year and was propagated around the globe to protect users from all over the world. Facebook has been heavily criticized because of inappropriate video clips automatically uploaded to users' timelines, and this measure is most welcome in a time when the Internet is full of inappropriate content.