14 of the major US hospitals use or will use HealthKit for patient monitoring


  HealthKit is a platform launched by the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), for iOS 8, working together with the application Health, Health, to monitor users' vital functions, fitness activity or nutrition. Various applications can transmit information through HealthKit to the application Health, they can be monitored even by doctors directly from iDevices. Because this system is extremely useful for doctors and patients, those from Reuters have tried to find out if American hospitals use or are interested in using it to monitor their patients.

  According to the publication, 14 of the 23 large hospitals in the US use or plan to use HealthKit to monitor patients with chronic diseases. Based on this monitoring, doctors can take preventive measures to prevent a negative evolution of diseases, the data on the health status of the users being transmitted to them in real time. To help better integrate the system in hospitals and possibly save the lives of some patients, the Apple company sent its employees to install and configure the monitoring systems in hospitals.

  Basically, Apple has developed a system through which doctors can know at any time if their patients are in danger or not, HealthKit being able to make the difference between life and death for certain people.