Where does TinyUmbrella save SHSHs for iPhone or iPad?

TinyUmbrella SHSH saver

  Where does TinyUmbrella save SHSHs for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch is one of the questions we received today after publishing tutorial for saving SHSHs. The question is as pertinent as possible considering that these SHSHs must be copied from the original folder to another partition of your storage medium, and this is because if you are forced to do a reinstallation you will not lose the data .

  In Windows, TinyUmbrella saves the SHSH files in the folder: C:\Users\username of your computer\.tu\.shsh, and from there you can copy them where you want. It would be best to save them in a service like Dropbox to be sure that you will be able to download them anywhere and anytime no matter what happens, they must be copied to the exact same folder if you reinstall the operating system or use TinyUmbrella on another computer.

  In OS X TinyUmbrella you can open the Terminal application and type the command open .shsh a Finder window should automatically open with the folder where the saved SHSHs are available. Exactly as in the case above, the recommendation is to save these files in an online file storage menu to be able to access them anytime and anyway.

   Even if at the moment these SHSHs are completely useless, soon we will be able to use them to restore only the versions for which they are saved.