iOS 8 adoption rate hits new high

iOS 8 adoption rate 77 percent

  The rate of adoption of iOS 8 continues to grow following an extremely difficult start generated by the impossibility of installing without connecting the iDevice to a computer, but also by the problems generated for those who took the courage to install the new version of the operating system. With all the updates released so far by the Apple company, iOS 8 reached an adoption rate of only 77%, far behind the one recorded in the same period last year for iOS 7.

  If two weeks ago 75% of iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches had a version of iOS 8 installed in their own terminals, now the percentage has increased by only 2%, a sign that the sales of new iDevices have decreased as a result, but this is normal in the first part of the year. Unfortunately for Apple, many users have lost faith in the updates it releases for its own operating systems, and this will only change by releasing updates without problems for us.