5 Weird iPhone Cases

Over time we have presented a multitude of strange cases for terminals iPhone, and most of them were related to various objects from the real world, but this time we are talking about cases that are related to food.

Most of the cases shown below are sold in Asia, mainly in Japan, and that's because only in that area there are people eccentric enough to mount such "equipment" on their own iPhone terminals while walking on the street.

Weird iPhone case
A healthy breakfast starts with an egg and ends with a slice of ... pizza, or at least that's what the creator of this case says, whose objects are hand-painted, all for the price of just 12 dollars.
Weird iPhone 1 case
Also for 12 dollars you get a typical American breakfast, a fried eye on a piece of bacon protecting your terminals from any kind of unforeseen accidents.
Weird iPhone 2 case
If you like rice, then a casing that imitates it would be perfect for you, especially if you manage to figure out what kind of "creature" lies on top of it, the casing being sold for 11 dollars.
Weird iPhone 3 case
From breakfast we move on to a meal suitable for lunch, this carcass representing a combination of vegetables and fried meat, all at the price of "only" 93 dollars.
Weird iPhone 4 case
Finally, we have a case for people who like to combine rice with a little caviar, all for the amount of only 36 dollars.