Cydia Substrate 0.9.6100 has been released

Cydia Substrate 0.9.6100Cydia Substrate 0.9.6100 was released this evening by saurik, the new version of the package being offered just a few hours after Pangu9 for Mac was released by the hackers Pangu Team.

According to saurik, Cydia Substrate 0.9.6100 block certain extensions for iOS 9 which are not 100% compatible with the new version of the operating system and can generate blockages of the operating system and implicitly of our terminals, so it must be done right now.

Separated, Cydia Substrate 0.9.6100 it also solves some problems of certain packages that cannot correctly use certain processes of iDevices, it also brings support for the latest version of the platform Cycript.

0.9.6100 blocks extensions on iOS 9 that are guaranteed to crash some key processes (such as Cydia), will inject into too many processes (due to a mismatched filter), or which will lead to subtle bugs (by invalidating the codesign of the target process). This new version also fixes some issues developers were seeing trying to hook functions in particularly well-sandboxed processes, and adds support for the latest version of Cycript (which now runs Substrate as an injection vector).

Cydia Substrate 0.9.6100 is available for download from Cydia.

UPDATED: Version 0.9.6101 was released to fix Cycript issues.