800 engineers develop iPhone and iPad cameras

iPhone and iPad camera development engineersAs part of the CBS interview for the show Apple secrets, the moderator Charlie Rose had the opportunity to talk with Graham Townsend, the director of the division that develops the iPhone and iPad terminal cameras within the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),.

According to Townsend, no fewer than 800 engineers work daily to develop the future cameras that will be used in iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches, thoroughly testing each camera in every possible lighting situation to capture the best possible pictures. .

The cameras of the iPhone terminals are composed of no less than 200 individual parts, and the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), has created a special laboratory in which it simulates various conditions of use of the terminals in order to verify in almost any situation what the performances of the cameras will be.

There's over 200 separate individual parts. We can simulate all those here. Apple now says there are 800 people solely dedicated to working on the iPhone's camera. That team of "engineers and other specialists" is led by Graham Townsend.

The Apple company places extremely high emphasis on the ability of iDevice cameras to record great photos and since the terminals iPhones have the most popular cameras, it is easy to understand why there is such a large team developing this component on the Apple campus.

If we think that Apple has 1200 people developing its future car and 800 people developing the cameras of iDevices, you can get an idea about the importance of this component, considering that the development of a car is a much more complex process .