Facebook is accused of preventing the promotion of WhatsApp Messenger competitors

Facebook user loyaltyFacebook is accused by a competing company that ii blocks ads promoting a competing WhatsApp Messenger application, this being the first public accusation of this kind against the American company.

Hike is the company that accuses Facebook of blocking the promotion of its application, claiming that Facebook users cannot be shown the advertisement that urges them to visit its website and try the alternative application WhatsApp Messenger, which might have had a better functionality.

The Hike company discovered a few weeks ago that Facebook does not offer the possibility to use the option of promoting a website from its account, contacting those at Facebook, having as an answer the fact that certain products and services cannot be promoted within the social network.

A few weeks ago it was demonstrated that WhatsApp Messenger blocks links that direct users to the Telegram application website, so probably those at Facebook realize that people want to try alternatives to the application offered by WhatsApp around the world.

Advertisers have, among other options, the option to 'send people to your website'. A few weeks back we were suddenly blocked from using this option, while we were able to use other non action-led options. There are specific products and services that cannot be advertised on Facebook – looks like Hike is one of these. Unfortunately, you will not be able to run these ads.

WhatsApp Messenger is the most popular text messaging application from the planet and did not reach the first position through 100% correct actions, and now we are starting to see how others were blocked for it to grow and we will probably find out other additional details soon.