Ford tests autonomous cars in the snow (Video)

Ford has started the most difficult stage of testing the autonomous cars in its own fleet, the American manufacturer wanting to teach its artificial intelligence to drive a car even in winter conditions, but the procedure is a long one due to the unpredictable conditions in which it can a car works in this season.

ford autonomous cars snowFord tests autonomous cars in snow, ice or weather conditions difficult for ordinary drivers, and the move is one intended to show that this type of automobile is not good for use only on dry roads in the US and various other areas of the globe.

I told you the other day that autonomous cars cause fewer accidents than those driven by drivers, and someone asked how these cars do in winter, when the roads are covered with snow or ice, and you can see the answer in the image above.

Those at Ford managed to learn, to a certain extent, the autonomous cars to work in this type of conditions, but the process is a very complex one, and the Ford director who heads the autonomous car division does not seem to be 100% convinced for now that they will work as people expect from the very beginning.

Ford says its self-driving cars should operate in any conditions on their own just as an experienced driver would drive a normal car, but it's hard to believe that this goal is achievable even for any kind of driving conditions on the planet.

Despite this, Ford is trying to achieve its goal, and even if the autonomous cars will not work alone in the winter, for many this weak point will not matter much.