iDevices have surpassed Windows PCs in sales

In the course of 2015, the Apple company achieved a new first, managing to sell more iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches than Windows PCs were sold worldwide, the achievement being possible thanks to the very aggressive marketing strategy adopted by to her.

iPhone surpasses PC salesFor the first time in history, the sales of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch surpassed the sales of computers with the Windows operating system, the Apple company achieving a new performance worthy of praise from many competitors.

The Romanian analyst Horace Dediu created the graph above in which he estimates that 2015 million computers with the Windows operating system were sold in 275, 25 million less than in the whole of 2014, the decrease being considerable.

Also in 2015, the Apple company sold 300 million iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches and Macs, 10 million of them being Macs, so the remaining 290 million are iDevices that they recorded higher sales than computers with Windows operating system.

Before looking at this achievement with too little importance, you must take into account the fact that Apple only produces iDevices, while computers with Windows operating system are produced by thousands of companies on the planet, most of them in China.

What Apple has achieved is probably surpassed only by Samsung, but in the case of Koreans we are not only talking about premium smartphones and tablets, but also about extremely many very cheap phones that represent over 70% of its phone sales mobile.

Even so, Apple alone managed to surpass the entire PC industry in sales, its Macs having a slight, but insignificant increase compared to the global computer market.