FlyFall: Endless fall – New game available for iPhone and iPad

 This month Quantum Cat Games released their first title, FlyFall available for iPhone and iPad. FlyFall is an endless arcade game with an emphasis on simple, customizable gameplay.

In the FlyFall game, players take on the role of a flying bird. Players must make their way through a series of gates to avoid crashing, collect coins and make a high score. The respective gates are located in random positions, so players have to move the bird left and right by tilting the device. In addition, the gates are closed by default, and can only be opened for a short period of time with a tap on the screen. This pressing must be simultaneous with the opening of the gates or the bird will collapseflyfall endless fall free ios game

With the coins they earn, players can unlock new birds, gates, and themes. There are over 20 birds and over 15 gates and themes that can be unlocked.

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One of the most interesting aspects of FlyFall is customization, but I'll leave it up to you to play and discover what that entails. I'm just telling you that in total, players can mix and match the birds, gates and themes in over 1.400 combinations.

You certainly understood the principle of the game, so I'll just tell you that you can play the game unload free.