FINAL FANTASY IX was released for iPhone and iPad

FINAL FANTASY IX was released during this evening in the App Store, the ninth version of the game in the series FINAL FANTASY being made available to users from all over the world by the well-known SQUARE ENIX company.

Offered at a reduced price of 20% on the occasion of the launch, FINAL FANTASY IX follow the story of the characters Zidane and Tantalus Theater Troupe who kidnapped Princess Garnet, the heir to the throne of Alexandria, she managed to escape with the help of a bodyguard.

The escape brings the princess, together with Zidane and his bodyguard, into a world full of mysteries that we have to unravel, the creators of the game thinking of an extremely engaging gameplay, enhanced in some places by a sound background worthy of a such title.

Zidane and the Tantalus Theater Troupe have kidnapped Princess Garnet, the heir of Alexandria. To their surprise, however, the princess herself yearned to escape the castle. Through a series of unusual circumstances, she and her personal guard, Steiner, fall in with Zidane and set out on an incredible journey. Meeting unforgettable characters like Vivi and Quina along the way, they learn about themselves, the secrets of the Crystal, and a malevolent force that threatens to destroy their world.

Throughout the gameplay FINAL FANTASY IX we will be able to help the three characters to evolve and we will be able to combine all the objects we find, so theoretically we should have an extremely interesting but expensive experience.

Learn new abilities by equipping items. When fully mastered, these abilities can be used even without equipping items, allowing for nearly endless customization options. Never let items go to waste. Combine two items or pieces of equipment together and make better, stronger items! Whether it's Chocobo Hot and Cold, Jump Rope, or Tetra Master, there are plenty of minigames to enjoy when you're not off saving the world.

FINAL FANTASY IX is available for DOWNLOAD at the price of 16.99 euros from the App Store.