Here's how to activate YouTube's new material design

Week YouTube released a new material design for the YouTube application dedicated to iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches, and the same change is to be made including for those who access the video sharing network directly from computers or mobile terminals.

YouTube currently testing one new material design for users, and it can currently be accessed only by those chosen by the company to benefit from this change, but here we are only talking about official access, because unofficially anyone can view the new interface.

Regardless of the browser you use, the new YouTube interface can be activated by a simple change made after accessing the website, the trick being extremely easy to apply for the company's website YouTube, so you can enjoy it right now.

YouTube material design

Here's how you can enable YouTube's material design:

  1. Access from the browser, preferably Google Chrome. Now log out of your account, otherwise the procedure is useless.
  2. Press simultaneously control + shift +i on the keyboard and you will open Developer Tools. The same thing can be done with a right click on the page and choosing the option Inspect.
  3. Go to the tab Resources.
  4. On the left side, open the section Cookies.
  5. Click on, and on the right side look for the entrance VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, right-click on it and choose the Delete option.
  6. Now go to the tab Sideboard and copy/paste the following text, then press enter: document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=Qa1hUZu3gtk;path=/;" ;
  7. Now hang up Developer Tools and reload the page.

After all this procedure, you will see the new material design of those from YouTube, but if you log into your account, you will see the old interface.

If you want to return to the old format, in the lower left you will see a button that resembles the one in the image below, pressing it will disable the new material design.

YouTube material design 1