The iPhone 7S with wireless charging will be released in 2017

Wireless charging finally arrives in the iPhone, but only in 2017 with the iPhone 7S.

For years and years, users have been asking for the implementation of a system of wireless charging in iPhone to be able to benefit from the possibility of giving up the standard charging cables that any mobile phone is connected to in order to function in everyday life.

Meeting the wishes of the users, Apple has hired at least 12 engineers specialized in the implementation of wireless charging systems in smartphones, and according to some information obtained from inside the company, 2017 would be the year in which the technology will reach the market.

Practically iPhone 7S it would come with a new wireless charging system, and the Apple company will not offer just any kind of technology, but one that allows remote charging of terminals, meaning that it will not be necessary to place it on a charging pad to take power.

The most recent hires made by Apple for the team that develops this system center on two engineers from a company called uBeam, which develops a wireless charging technology based on ultrasound that allows charging from a distance.

Last week a former engineer from the much hyped wireless charging startup uBeam left some scathing criticism of the company on his blog. He compared uBeam to the now disgraced startup Theranos, saying that uBeam has avoided any full-fledged public demonstrations because its technology doesn't work as advertised. While it can do some very limited charging over a short distance, he allowed, the basic laws of physics prevent the product from being practical at any commercial level.

Apple has a multitude of patents that describe technologies that allow wireless charging from a distance, and achieving this goal by 2017 does not seem to be an easy task considering that there are not many commercial solutions for now.

Apple knows that offering a standard wireless charging mode will not differentiate the iPhone 7S from other smartphones in this respect, so it will probably try to force the introduction of a new technology to the market, but only if it is ready. at time.