The new smart headphones that translate your foreign languages ​​in real time

 We could say that we no longer need dictionaries, physical or online, when we have a foreign interlocutor, or when we visit other countries. Headphones have appeared that translate your foreign languages ​​in real time.

headphones that translate in real time

This new technology could soon make it easier to communicate with people from other cultures. Nicknamed Pilot, the receiver is shaped like an ordinary headset but without wires or cables. It sits in the ear, and, apparently, it works even without an internet connection just by using a built-in smartphone application, so exactly how it works remains unclear, at least to me. Anyway, it's quite handy, especially for people traveling abroad - and it translates words from another language very easily. You can get an idea about this with the help of the clip below.

The product at the initial release, which is expected to be next week, comes with English, Spanish, French and Italian languages. Waverly Labs says other languages ​​will be available soon, including Hindi, Arabic, East Asian and Slavic languages.

The retail price is expected to be between $249-$299, although special offers for early booking will start from $129.

Waverly Labs says two headsets are included in the package, so two people should always be able to understand each other, provided they speak in the supported languages.