The smart device that helps you get rid of bad habits

It is clearly the year of smart bracelets, this time keeping you with the bracelet that helps you get rid of bad habits, based on compulsive behavior, such as nail biting or finger sucking. For such people, Liv was created, the arm that detects the behavioral problems of the wearer, and vibrates when they repeat the habit they want to get rid of.

The first Liv prototype was developed by the husband and wife team Sameer Kumar and Aneela Idnani Kumar, in order to treat Aneela's compulsive problem of pulling hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. She reports that it made a huge difference, allowing her to now have full eyelashes and eyebrows, for the first time in over 20 years. In the presentation clip, you will understand exactly the principle of operation.

Liv is currently available for pre-order, with prices starting at $99. Deliveries are expected to begin at the end of this year.