iPhone 7 – Apple expects weak sales

Apple expects that sales iPhone 7 to be weak, and this is evident from the orders that those from Cupertino have made so far with their Asian partners, who will produce fewer components this year than in previous years for previous devices.

If in 2015 Apple bought products worth 8.73 billion dollars from Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, in 2016 the orders were much smaller, and for the fall of 2016 they are just as conservative, a sign that Apple does not expect very high sales big for iPhone 7 after the official launch.

The president of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering confirmed the fact that much smaller orders came from the USA for the products of the company he leads, and the decision of those from Apple is contrary to the trend of smartphone manufacturers, who are making increasingly large orders for ASE products.

Considering that the year 2016 will not bring very good sales of iPhone terminals for the Apple company until the iPhone 7 appears, many people expected that in the fall things will change, but it seems that Apple does not expect a radical increase in sales for its upcoming smartphones.

The big client in the US is a little more conservative when placing orders this year. In the smartphone market, meanwhile, other players besides Apple are more aggressive regarding booking chips this year. I don't think anybody is overly aggressive this year, so I don't think there would be any serious inventory correction issue similar to last year.

Those from Apple normally make large orders during this period for components that will be used in products that will reach the market in the fall, but here is that in the case of the iPhone 7 things are much different, Apple is probably trying to avoid producing a number too many terminals compared to demand.