Facebook a lansat un nou buton Like

Facebook a lansat o noua versiune a butonului Like vizibil pe mai toate website-urile de pe internet, compania americana modificand design-ul acestui buton pentr-u a-i convinge pe utilizatori sa partajeze mai mult continut pe internet prin like-urile pe care le dau diverselor articole, poze, filme si nu numai.

Dupa cum puteti vedea si in imaginea de mai jos, schimbarea este una destul de subtila, Facebook inlocuind logo-ul sau din buton cu un caracter care reprezinta o mana cu degetul opozabil ridicat, semnul thumbs up avand mai multa putere de convingere decat logo-ul Facebook, care era prezent pana acum in buton.

Cei de la Facebook sustin ca au realizat o serie de teste pentru a vedea daca schimbare alogo-ului din buton ar putea creste interactiunea utilizatorilor cu el si se pare ca oamenii au dat cu 6% mai multe like-uri dupa ce logo-ul Facebook a fost inlocuit cu un thumbs up, succesul sau fiind cat se poate de surprinzator.

Schimbarea facuta astazi prin implementarea noului buton Like face parte dintr-o strategie mai mare a Facebook pentru a modifica butoanele folosite pentru partajarea de continut in cadrul retelei sale de socializare, acestea urmand a fi imbunatatite pentru a fi mai usor de recunoscut in cadrul diverselor website-uri care le folosesc.

nou buton Like Facebook

Schimbarile facute pentru butonul Like au devenit deja vizibile pentru majoritatea celor care acceseaza reteaua Facebook, sau diverse website-uri de pe internet, asa ca daca pana acum nu ati vazut noul buton, va trebui sa mai aveti putina rabdare pentru ca schimbarile sa se propage in intreaga lume.

Acestea fiind spuse, va recomand sa testati noul buton Like al Facebook in acest articol.

  • Mobile-friendly: The original Like button was designed when mobile was in its early days. Over 30% of Like button impressions come from mobile devices, and we are releasing new button sizes so you can choose the best one for your site on desktop or mobile.
  • Cleaner design: We modernized our entire suite of Social Plugin buttons with updated icons that better reflect the Facebook brand and provides a more engaging experience for people. The new design system will work across all our buttons, and includes color consistency, a flat button design, and Like and Share counts within the button for a cleaner, more refined visual style.
  • Backwards compatible: The Like and Share buttons are embedded in millions of third-party sites, so we made sure that any changes we made worked with every configuration previously available. In this design process we did exhaustive testing with different languages and in the context of people’s sites to ensure backwards compatibility and scalability.
  • Instant Articles integration: In the coming weeks, Instant Articles publishers will be able to add Like, Comment, and Share buttons to the bottom of their Instant Articles, and interactions with these buttons will be included in aggregate Like and Share counts. If you have the Comments Plugin installed on your site, comments on a web article will sync the conversation with its Instant Article equivalent. If you have Comment Mirroring turned on for the Comments Plugin, comments from the article’s post in News Feed will be synced with the web article and the Instant Article, creating a unified thread across all three surfaces.