The release of macOS Sierra could be in October

The release of macOS Sierra should take place between October 9 and 15, based on how beta versions are tested and Apple's strategy in the past.

The launch of macOS Sierra could take place in October according to some information that appeared last night, the new version of the operating system for Macs being prepared at the moment to be brought to the market, public beta version 5 being made available to users at the very beginning of this week.

According to those following the release of macOS Sierra, the current operating system testing period is 12 days behind last year's for OS X El Capitan, when beta versions were released earlier to users, so at the moment it seems that Apple intends to offer the update only in October for users.

Based on this analysis, the launch of macOS Sierra would take place between October 9 and 15, that is, almost 2 months away from this point, those from Cupertino generally having the temptation to offer these updates for the operating system later than those for iOS, and now there is no reason to believe that things will change.

The release of macOS Sierra could take place between October 9 and 15

Daca the release of macOS Sierra will take place on October 9-15, then there are quite high chances that Apple will bring to the market and the new MacBook Pro in that period, various sources stating that Apple could organize a press conference in October to present this product, but probably others prepared in Cupertino.

The release of macOS Sierra is very important because it brings a major change for the operating system for Macs, the rebranding done by Apple bringing more symmetry in the offer for the operating systems dedicated to its products, separately existing and many improvements on the software side for users.

Having said that, if you are waiting for the release of macOS Sierra to enjoy the latest technologies that the Apple company can offer you, then you will have to be patient until mid-October to get everything.

macos sierra release